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Tuy Loan rice paper village: A place to keep the traditional craft more than 500 years old

Tuy Loan Rice paper village
Tuy Loan Rice paper village – Source: Intenet

During the Tet holiday every year, Tuy Loan rice paper village is always busy at full capacity to produce the best batches of cakes. Rice paper and Quang noodles are so famous that they are often “out of stock”. Many people considered these cakes to be one of the must-buy specialties in Da Nang.

Some information you should know


Village address: Hoa Phong commune, Hoa Vang district, Da Nang city

About 15 km from the southwest of Da Nang city center, Tuy Loan rice paper village – a traditional craft village with an age of more than 500 years is still standing. This is the birthplace of a rustic delicacy, which always appears in daily meals and many Da Nang specialties.

Brief introduction

Direction to Tuy Loan rice paper village
Direction to Tuy Loan rice paper village – Source: Intenet

The unique name of the village comes from an old legend that tells of a big bird that drank alcohol and flew back to the village to find a place to stay, so the village was named Tuy Loan from then on.

Before 1975, the village was famous for two unique dishes: rice paper and Quang noodles. Until now, the whole village still has 15 households to keep the tradition and make a living by making handmade rice paper entirely. 

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The meaning of rice paper in Quang – Da Thanh cuisine

The rice paper is not only a sense of livelihood but also has a very special cultural significance. This is an indispensable dish on the special occasion of anniversaries, worshiping ancestors or Lunar New Year. This dish is so popular that has become a traditional custom passed down from generation.

The reason is that local people believe that the rice paper made from crispy rice flour is the essence distilled from heaven and earth, the typical identity of the village. Wherever the people of Tuy Loan village go, they proudly introduce their hometown rice paper to friends nearby, showing respect and cherishing the tradition.


How to make Tuy Loan rice paper – Source: Intenet

Tuy Loan rice paper craft village is only about 15km from the city center, so it is not difficult for self-sufficient Da Nang tourists to find this address. According to experience, tourists just need to preload the Google Maps map, then locate themselves and type in the search for Tuy Loan rice paper village. Because the village is not too large, finding the right address is easy.

In addition, you can also refer to the shortest and easiest route to the village as follows:

From Da Nang Dragon Bridge, turn left onto 2 September, continue to Cach Mang Thang 8 / National Highway 14B, go through Hoa Cam overpass, pass Da Nang Quang Ngai Expressway, and go to Quang Xuong to 604 at Hoa Phong.

Note: The road to Tuy Loan craft village is mainly straight, with few turns, so visitors can run confidently. When you reach the Hoa Phong commune entrance, continue asking for directions; local people will enthusiastically show you the entrance to the village.

Join interesting activities at Tuy Loan rice paper craft village

Tuy Loan rice paper
Tuy Loan rice paper – Source: Intenet

Discover the process of making rice paper directly at the craft village

It is no coincidence that the people of Tuy Loan village are so proud of their village rice paper. A complete rice paper to reach diners has to go through many elaborate stages that require high concentration and ingenuity: Selection of ingredients; Choosing good firewood to cover the cake; Drying rice paper; Removing the finished rice paper.

Visit Tuy Loan ancient village more than 500 years old

In addition to observing and discovering the process of making rice paper, visitors to the village also have the opportunity to stroll around the village with more than 500 years old. This is one of the few villages that still clearly shows historical imprints, imbued with Vietnam’s tradition and cultural identity.

One of the most famous old houses in the village is called Tich Thien Duong with a 200-year-old history. The house is designed with 3 compartments and 2 roofs, roofed with yin and yang tiles, the indoor structure is built of precious jackfruit wood with a characteristic glossy brown color. Each line of carving, and sophisticated sculpture in the house is also by talented artisans from Kim Bong carpentry village, Hoi An.

The communal house of Tuy Loan village is a place to worship the ancestors who openly gave birth to the village as well as the ancestors of the people here. Tuy Loan village communal house was built in 1889 and recognized as a national historical relic.

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Tuy Loan rice paper village is ancient village
Tuy Loan rice paper village is ancient village – Source: Intenet

With an area of ​​over 110m2 with a campus of more than 8000m2, the communal house has a cool space facing the river and mountains. Inside the communal house is a famous sacred ancient banyan tree and in the courtyard, there are many screens, parallel sentences, and pillars with a reverent and majestic appearance.

In the past, Tuy Loan village was a busy and famous trading place in the region. This place often receives many products from the forest under the sea all year round, such as Hoi An fish, Central Highlands forest products, and Cam Ne mats..v.v.

Today, when visiting the Tuy Loan market, the atmosphere is not as crowded as before, but the cultural values are still there. For example, the profession of making rice paper and Quang noodles is still preserved and loved by people near and far.

The rice paper production establishments operate in the form of households and small scale. Manufactured products are consumed by households. The production time of the facilities is only about 3-4 months/year. The village’s product is baked rice paper, which is round about 50 cm in diameter. Tuy Loan rice paper is thicker than other types of rice paper and the quality of rice paper is highly appreciated by users. The main source of raw materials is rice, which is produced by households themselves.

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