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Quy Nhon travel guide: Best advice to make your trip the best (Part 2)


Phuong Mai Sand Dunes

Phuong Mai Sand Dunes
Phuong Mai Sand Dunes – Source: Internet

Phuong Mai Sand Dunes is the ideal recommendation for you if you’re seeking a fantastic location to check in and take images that will be liked by millions. Coming to Phuong Mai sand dune, you feel like you have set foot in the world-famous desert full of sand and wind.

From the dunes, you can comfortably watch the vast blue sky and the mountains with the same message. Everything is like a beautiful picture appearing right in front of your eyes.

Read more: Quy Nhon travel guide: Best advice to make your trip the best (Part 1)

Hon Nuoc Lighthouse

Hon Nuoc Lighthouse is one of the five famous lighthouses that have existed for over 100 years. The image of the lighthouse standing proudly in the middle of the sea waves is a symbol of the spiritual strength of the people living here all year round.

The lighthouse, which has gone through many ups and downs in history, is always lit up every day, making a great contribution to the lives of the people of the central fishing village.

Bai Xep Fishing village

Bai Xep Fishing village
Bai Xep Fishing village – Source: Internet

Bai Xep fishing village is proud to be one of the places known as the “mysterious pearl” of Asia. Because this place has a beauty of peace in the heart.

The image of the life of a fishing village imbued with traditional beauty, where there is no noise of traffic whistles but instead the sound of waves, wind, and the sound of the sea that anyone who comes here will also feel to the fullest.

Thap Thap Pagoda

The name Thap Thap Pagoda has gone deep into the mind of anyone living here. The pagoda is located in An Nhon town. Thap Pagoda owns ancient architecture and is associated with the historical values ​​as well as the specialty culture of our nation.

Although it is one of the quietest destinations, it is well worth the visit. Therefore, anyone who has the opportunity to go to Quy Nhon must definitely visit this temple.

Quy Nhon Cathedral

Quy Nhon Cathedral
Quy Nhon Cathedral – Source: Internet

The church owns a fairly large campus with rows of green trees that bring cool and fresh air. Guests can easily find this church, owning a prime location right on Tran Hung Dao main street, opposite Le Thanh Ton Street.

If you come on special occasions, you will be able to witness with your own eyes important ceremonies such as the “Ordinance Ceremony” for priests that are held in an extremely grandiose manner.

Crescent Moon Beach

Everyone will mention crescent moon beach when asked where in Quy Nhon is the most picturesque location. With dunes stretching 5km from Tan Cape to Ghenh Rang, the crescent moon shape is extremely beautiful and equally unique, attracting many tourists to visit.

In the last few years, this beach has been upgraded with more modern infrastructure and because of that, it has made the beach one of the most popular places in the Central-South region in the country.

Ky Co Island

Ky Co Island
Ky Co Island – Source: Internet

What’s good in Quy Nhon’s travel guide? An extremely interesting place that you must go to is Ky Co. This place is unique in that 1 side is bordered by the sea and 3 sides by mountains. Favored by nature, Ky Co possesses a beauty of 1-0-2 and is also known as “the first paradise”.

The beauty of Ky Co is a harmonious combination of the shallow coast, calm waves, clear blue sea water, golden sand and majestic cliffs that few places have.

Hon Kho (Kho Island)

Hon Kho (Kho Island)
Hon Kho (Kho Island) – Source: Internet

Hon Kho Island stands out with its unique scenery, the inherent wildness that nature has favored, making Hon Kho Island a great destination for those who travel to Quy Nhon on their own.

The cliffs protruding into the sea, the smooth white sand beach, the green lawn and the freshwater from the cliffs have made a difference to the beauty of Hon Kho.

Ghenh Rang

Ghenh Rang is a complex of rocks and caves with a variety of unique shapes that attract many visitors. Ghenh Rang area has an entrance with a gentle slope, which is not very difficult to go.

If you come in the summer, the burning sun of Quy Nhon may make you afraid to go out, but no, going to Ghenh Rang and walking under the shade of casuarina trees is really attractive. you and give you the feeling of being released into the sea in a strangely peaceful way.

Cham Tower

Cham Tower
Cham Tower – Source: Internet

The check-in place of young people today when traveling to Binh Dinh Quy Nhon. The Cham tower is a symbol of the Champa culture in our country. With a unique and mysterious design, each stroke of flowers and flowers is hidden behind the meanings of Champa culture.

Banh It Tower

Banh It Tower – A place where Binh Dinh people are very proud. The Banh It Tower’s shape is influenced by Champa art and has its own unique beauty. It has a wide and rich architectural style.

The main tower has the largest size located in the center, surrounded by 3 small towers, when visitors arrive here will feel like going back in time to immerse themselves in the mysterious Champa land. The airy space with the coolness of the trees and the ancient beauty of the tower will surely make visitors have an interesting and memorable experience.

Ham Ho Lake

Ham Ho Lake
Ham Ho Lake – Source: Internet

Ham Ho Lake is famous as a river with many fish and fish from all over the world. According to folklore, every year Long Vuong holds an exam for fish in Ham Ho. The brave fish that overcomes will turn into a dragon, that’s why all kinds of fish often race here to try their luck. This place is also considered an interesting destination for tourists when coming to Quy Nhon.

Dragon Cape

Dragon Cape is located only about 70km north of Quy Nhon. When going in this direction, when approaching, you will see in the distance majestic rocky mountains appearing before your eyes, surrounded by the verdant sea surface covering an infinitely beautiful wilderness space.

When looking at the Dragon Cape from above, you will see the image of a rock that juts out into the sea, an indomitable rock amidst the waves of the sea.

Read more: Popular tourist destinations in Vietnam: 9 destinations ranked in the world tourism award

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