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Top 5 criteria to help you choose a professional tour operator in vietnam for your trip


In recent years, with the potential of the country, Vietnam’s tourism industry is constantly developing, attracting a large number of domestic and foreign tourists. For tours to be able to provide a full range of useful services to satisfy customers and improve the quality of tourism service activities, the role of tour operators is very important in the existence and development of tourism service businesses.

travel Vietnam
travel Vietnam

Tour operators have to take on large and complex workloads. To complete the work of tour management to bring revenue to the company and customer satisfaction, employees in tour operators need to have essential skills.

Test the communication skills

The tour operator is the person who will directly work with tourists, partners, service providers. The job of the tour operator daily through communication (direct, indirect) exchange, persuasion, agreement and signing of service contracts for the company, so communication skills are the first and most important skill for the executive.

Good communication skills will be the basis for creating the ability to skillfully use the right words for each customer, each product and service will communicate clearly and specifically the information about the tour to customers, quality services and thereby convince them to choose as well as go to sign the contract.

In addition to communicating flexibly with customers, this is also a strength to help them create sympathy and trust from customers and partners while creating good, long-term and highly effective relationships in business activities of the business.

Ask about some issues to check their effective problem-solving skills

During the tour, besides the large workload in the delegation, many problems, situations and incidents may arise. In such unintended cases, the tour operator is the one who has to take the stand.

With the above professional factors, the tour operator must be a very calm person, able to evaluate, look at the problem, find the causes as well as quickly give solutions to solve the problem in time to be able to take on this job position.

The good resolution of situations arising in the course of the tour will satisfy customers, increase the credibility of customers with the company.

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Test their ability to face the pressures

Cau Vang Bridge
Cau Vang Bridge

Currently, in any job, the pressure at work is inevitable and so is the career of the tour operator. With the “huge” workload every day, facing countless problems and situations that arise that require handling, etc. they need to always be calm and overcome those pressures. effectively

To reduce stress and pressure, they must know how to arrange work, assign to reasonable, scientific, clear departments at each job, manage according to the system. This will help tour operators to follow the work easily, without overlapping work and help bring high efficiency in the work process.

The ability to collaborate with you as a team

With a lot of work in a tour, especially long tours or in peak tourist seasons. The workload is piled up according to the program, the tasks arising in the course of the tour are interwoven, the tour operator works at the office. Therefore, for the tours to be implemented in accordance with the prescribed schedule, process and time, the combination of teamwork will bring the highest efficiency.

Tour operators must always have a clear job assignment table, suitable for each individual capacity, closely coordinate with colleagues in the same department or related departments to solve customer problems as quickly as possible. With daily tourism activities or long-term tourism development projects, this is a skill not to be missed.

The ability to work in groups will help tour operators have an overview and overall view of tourism activities to coordinate the process of tour implementation in the best way and also serve as a basis for tour operators to develop to a higher position with a suitable salary.

Foreign language proficiency to not misunderstand your meanings

The customers of the tourism industry are not domestic tourists but they also come from many different countries around the world. Communication is the first skill to create sympathy for customers. Therefore, foreign language ability, especially English, is extremely important for working in this position.

Tour operators must have a foreign language to be able to communicate, negotiate, agree to close the contract or serve the needs or receive information about customer complaints during the tour.

With this skill, you need to improve communication English and tourism English right from the time you are sitting on the school chair. Learning a foreign language is a practical process, so communicating in a foreign language can be fluent and express emotions through language with customers.

When you have a foreign language, the job will be more convenient, maintain a long-term job and the chances of advancement in the profession will be high.

Top 5 tour operators in Vietnam


Toptour – Source: Internet

Toptour is aiming to become one of the top 10 most prestigious travel companies in Vietnam by 2020, with representative offices in all major cities and regions nationwide, and is also working to become a multinational corporation. With the hope that Toptour will serve as a bridge to enable Vietnamese of all social classes to travel overseas and experience a new tourist culture alongside visitors from other countries. Returning to Vietnam will cost you the least amount of money so you can experience its stunning landscapes.

Hanoi Tourist

Hanoi Tourist
Hanoi Tourist – Source: Internet

The parent company-subsidiary model is being tested by the Hanoi Tourism Corporation and is based on bringing together various commercial businesses. The city’s tourism industry should concentrate on creating a sizable tourism company with a strong brand, multi-industry operations, multiple owners, high levels of competition, and global economic integration. effective, in keeping with the capital’s economy and the tourism sector’s growth needs.

Read more: Vietnam tourism development and the new trend in the future after Covid epidemic


Saigontourist is regarded as one of the top companies in the tourism industry by the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism due to its positive contributions to the development of the country’s tourism industry with a variety of service models like lodging, dining, travel, entertainment, commerce, import and export, duty-free shopping, transportation, construction, tourism & hotel training, and food production & processing.


Fiditour – Source: Internet

In addition to a broader range of services like domestic and international travel, study abroad and visa support, transportation services, and trip planning, Fiditour also excels at coming up with unique and interesting vacations.

Lily’s Travel

Lily’s Travel
Lily’s Travel – Source: Internet

With the strength of tours through Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, Lily’s Travel Agency has gradually established and successfully organized tours to explore and learn about multi-religious, multi-ethnic, and multi-regional cultures in addition to tours to find the beauty of nature. Many customers enjoy Lily’s Travel tours because of their variety and overall impression, which features the highlights of service expertise, research, and knowledge of regional cultural traits.

The goal of Lily’s Travel is to establish a well-connected, comprehensive, expert, and welcoming tourist sector in Vietnam. One of the few travel and tourism businesses that focuses on humane social activities for the community toward sustainable tourism, in balance with nature, is Lily’s Travel.

All of the employees at Lily’s Travel are youthful, enthusiastic individuals with fresh viewpoints on experiential, discovery, and community-focused travel. 4.0 technology is presently being actively applied by Lily’s Travel to the creation of tours, giving customers the most lifelike 3D experience possible before making a booking. This is a travel company that invests a lot of time in studying and appreciating the human travel experience in order to comprehend and provide the best guidance.

After 15 years in business, Lily’s Travel Agency has made progress toward its goal of bringing more and more foreign visitors to Vietnam, supporting cross-cultural dialogue, and “marketing” the country’s stunning natural beauty to peers around the globe.

Lily’s Travel has been in the travel business for 15 years and has accumulated a wealth of expertise in creating experiential tours, leading large group tours, and leading numerous discovery tours for a variety of clients, particularly clients from major units and corporations overseas.

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